God's Master Plan To Defeat ISIS

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Personally I had planned to write about one and a half pages on this subject. But as I wrote I discovered that God wants to truly defeat ISIS. Therefore, I yielded and the Holy Spirit took charge. Consequently, herein you will find much more than one and a half pages. God wants ISIS, (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) to be defeated, however to defeat ISIS, the Taliban, and other militant groups, it is imperative that we understand the way of the Lord. Today, many people in France, the United States, Russia and other nations are angry with ISIS because of their wickedness. These groups are killing innocent people – For God made man in His image and for His pleasure. To God man is more valuable than fine gold. Consequently, today ISIS and the Taliban find themselves in a box.

At Isaiah 33:1 the box is described as follows: “Woe to thee that spoilest, and thou was not spoiled; and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! When thou cease to spoil, thou shall be spoiled; And when thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee.”

This is surely a terrible box to be in! We must listen very carefully to this message. Surely, ISIS and the Taliban are in this box. However, to hear this we must have love for truth. If we have love for truth we will be able to see the United States of America, the country that I love is in the same box. Today, if France and Russia are not careful they will find themselves in the same box. Only the counsel of God can get us out of this box.

Before ISIS was planted in the incubator, God sent warning to President George W. Bush in 2001 after 9/11.   I am a prophet of God in the name of Jesus. At the direction of God I shared the warning and counsel to the leadership of the nation to no avail. The instructions were plain and simple and it went forth on October 6, 2001, within three weeks of the destruction of the World Trade Center. The message is hard to hear – Jesus said that there is no prophet accepted in his own country. Here is part of the warning and instructions given.

“Woe unto the leaders of the United States, if they continue in their wickedness and fail to adhere to the word that I have given My prophet.”

“Recall your planes, ships, and My people. Remove all unjust sanctions against countries around the world. Rewrite your trade agreements to ensure that they are fair to the workers. End your eagerness to shed innocent blood. Seek out the bad fruit that have now ripened. Apply just laws to all suspects that are still alive, that were involved in the planning and operation of the terrorism attack on America. Do not prosecute the innocent. Bad fruits that have not ripened, treat them with care, love, and understanding, because you helped create them. Change your hearts and take on a new resolve to end oppression and perverseness. Thus, you will end the terrorism in America if you turn to Me. My Righteousness is forever. …”

“You have declared a war against terrorism. The terrorism that you are experiencing is the fruit of your trust in oppression and perverseness. Therefore, put down our arms and start warring with yourselves. The people who were involved in the attack on New York and Washington are dead now. The leaders in the United States created them. There are others that are still alive that the leaders of the United States help create. Some are Americans within the United States’ borders and some are not Americans, they are around the world. Taking action to round all them up and killing them will not end terrorism.”

“This action does not end terrorism; it only gathers bad fruit that have ripened. However, there are some bad fruit within the borders and outside the borders of the United States that have not ripened. If the leaders of the United States continue to trust in oppression and perverseness and fail to take this counsel of God, they will plant more seeds, which will produce more bad fruit. To end terrorism, leaders in the United States must change their wicked ways and seek the counsel of God.”

“The United States Government and other governments must take a look at all of their ways. In the United States, we must do the following.”

Ask probing questions “about present actions compare to those tenets of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Examine laws, treaties, and agreements and see the corruption. Work to end this deceit. Then we can truly work to end terrorism from within the United States’ borders and outside the United States’ borders. This should be the action taken to end terrorism.”

These warnings and instructions above were first shared in October 2001. Besides sending letters; a book was published in October 2001 that outlined detailed instructions and it was also shared with the leadership of the nation. The title of the book is: “America – America: A Check Up For the Body of Christ.”

On October 6, 2001, President Bush was warned that the United States could not win with military might because the nation is warring against God’s righteousness. On October 26, 2001, President Bush was warned if he did not change the destructive path, terror would continue to visit America and America would experience a plague of national disasters at a level that this nation had not experienced in its short 200 year history. In a letter dated May 22, 2002, President Bush was warned that the nation would face calamity after calamity. Before the war with Iraq, on September 3, 2002, President Bush was warned that God showed me that there was no provocation for war. It must be noted, God did not only show me this revelation; but God also revealed it to Prophet Zechariah. (Letters can be read at each hyperlink with dates.)

At Zechariah 5:5-11, if you have love for the truth you will see two women with wings of a stork setting up a democracy in Iraq. These two women are the United States and the United Kingdom – they are the countries that set up their resemblance of them in the land of Shinar, which is now Iraq. According to scriptures, these resemblances were throughout the earth. These resemblances are democracies – when democracy was established in Iraq, democracies around the world were in trouble. Democracy has failed to keep capitalism in check; the love of money buys politicians and is the root of all evil. God called it wickedness. Again, I am a prophet of God in the name of Jesus and I love America, the word of God says there is no prophet accepted in his own country. I declare God wants to bless America; but America needs to be healed. (Click and watch video)

On January 14, 2003, President Bush was warned that if we went to war with Iraq without provocation, God would remove his covering from our military and the nation would suffer financially and consequently, our military would suffer in maintaining its quality of life; and we would experience much destruction by fire. (Click on hyperlink to read letter.)

God said recall before we sent out the planes, ships and our troops. Today, we can look back and see impacts of the leaders of America’s failure to adhere to the counsel of God. The leaders of France and Russia can learn from the warning that God gave to the United States after 9/11. It is unfortunate that the leadership of America has not learned – the leadership still put their trust in our military might.

God provided sound counsel. President George W. Bush was written thirteen times to no avail. However, this counsel was provided from the very onset. The leadership of the nation was provided specific instructions and the consequences for not adhering to the counsel. In addition to providing counsel to President George W. Bush and others leaders during the time of President Bush’s administration, counsel has been provided to President Barack Obama.

Like President Bush, President Obama has put his trust in our military might and engaged in oppression and perverseness. God’s righteousness is forever; therefore the same standard always applies. As God gave counsel to his rebellious children as recorded in Isaiah chapter 30, the same applies to his rebellious children today who trust in oppression and perverseness. At Isaiah 30:1 Prophet Isaiah writes: “Woe to the rebellious children, said the LORD, that take counsel, and not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin. At Isaiah 30:12-14, Isaiah writes: “Wherefore thus said the Holy One of Israel, Because ye despise this word, and trust and in oppression and perverseness, and stay thereon. Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instance.”

Moreover, the current administration’s actions of sowing discord among brothers helped to create the crises in nations throughout the Middle East. Sowing discord among brothers may be politically more expedient, however this is one of the things that God hates – it is an abomination unto him (Proverbs 6:16-19). Consequently, today we all are suffering from the failure of the leadership of the United States to adhere to the counsel of God in the name of Jesus. Surely, this is not smooth talk.

Today, the problem is very complex and as more innocent people are killed, the more complex it becomes. There are real solutions to this madness; however the leadership of the nations around the world to include the United States must learn to fear God from His precepts and not from the precepts of men. Surely, we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Today the problem is very complex. We have powerful nations in the box that is described at Isaiah 33:1; and we have terrorist groups in the same box. More bad seeds are being planted every day. The leadership of the United States has put their trust in its military might. In respect to nations putting their trust in their military might – As God told Israel in Hosea 10:13, God is saying the same to us today. “Ye have plowed wickedness, ye have reaped iniquity, ye have eaten the fruit of lies; because thou didst trust in thy way, in the multitude of thy mighty men.” The leadership of the United States and nations throughout the world must understand that this is the way of the Lord and it is for us today.

Yes the United States has put its trust in our mighty men, our military; and the trust in oppression and perverseness is standard operating procedure. Some people have lost everything because of bombing campaigns. Innocent people are being killed – people are being displaced – The United States government has sowed discord among brothers in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Liberia, Morocco, and even in the Ukraine. Breeding grounds for the Taliban and ISIS and other militant groups have been established throughout the Middle East. In respect to the Ukraine, the leaders of the United States point their fingers at President Putin of Russia and they fail to acknowledge that we have sowed discord among the people in the Ukraine.

Here is a link to a news article that summarizes the United States sowing discord in Ukraine.

The love of money is at the root of this destruction. There are a number of other factors that we can add to this list: (1) Pride – Failure to acknowledge mistakes – Failure to repent (2) Seeking power and control of other nations (3) Fear! (4) The affects of imposing democracies and removing dictators - (5) The leadership of the United States has clearly demonstrated that they do not fear God (6) The leadership of ISIS and the leadership of the Taliban have demonstrated that they do not fear God – they have demonstrated a complete disregard of the value of life.

Nevertheless, somehow many seem to think that it is all right for a nation to bomb people and blow them to bits if you use planes or drones like a computer game. Today, it is apparent, that President Obama has learned that he cannot continue to shed innocent blood, thus he is commanding our military to use strategic air strikes over Syria to fight ISIS.   However, his actions of supporting the opposition force in an attempt to topple the President of Syria helped to create the current crisis. Moreover, members of Congress and the candidates for the office of President of the United States are calling for employing more military might. Some of the veterans who have served in the wars are dying while waiting to be seen by VA doctors. Members of Congress are pointing their fingers at the VA – however the truth is that the VA is not staffed to handle these caseloads from an endless war that commenced without provocation.

In addition to the influences of the West with the Middle East there are continued concerns between the Sunnis, Shites, Christians, Jews, Kurds, Druze, and the Atheists. There is a demonstrated lack of willingness to create understanding.   God looks at all of this as wickedness. For God hates evil, however God creates evil. Listen to the way of the Lord. God creates evil to reward the ones who do wickedness – For the ones that do wickedness they reward it back to themselves. God uses the wicked to do wicked things.

Many think that the United States of America is a Christian Nation, however American leadership is not within the counsel of God and many of the current policies of the nation have nothing to do with Christianity.  Most of these people being killed in the Middle East profess to be Muslims. Therefore, some view the affects of the wars as Christians killing and controlling Muslims. Now there are some who profess to be Islamic, killing Christians. Consequently, there are some who want to use our military might and declare war on “Radical Islam.”

What is “Radical Islam”? The truth is “Islam” is not radical. Like there are people who profess to be Christians, yet their actions clearly show that they do not know Christ because they do not keep His commandments. Moreover, there are some people who profess to follow the teachings of Islam; however it is clear that they do not understand doctrine because they do not follow the teaching of the Holy Qur’an. Prophet Mohammed warned Muslims at Surah IX, 107-110 regarding some mosques are built to deceive. Prophet Mohammed writes, “And there are those who put up a mosque by the way of mischief and infidelity – to disunite the Believers – And in preparation for one Who warred against God and His Apostle aforetime. They will indeed swear that their intention is nothing but good; but God declare that they are certainly liars….” On a side note, Presidential Candidate Donald Trump just recently stated, if he becomes President some of the mosques in the United States would be under surveillance – surely this revelation would give him justification for the surveillance of some mosques in light of the current developments in France. This is an excellence opportunity for true Muslims leaders to share with the world the truth regarding the teaching of Prophet Mohammed. When they stand and speak truth, it will take some of the power from ISIS to recruit followers of Islam. Moreover, it will create understanding and reduce the level of tension around the world.

Christians have been given power and Jesus has given Christians the same glory that He had when he walked this earth. The world must see this power to understand that we belong to Christ, His body – and we have the power of the living God within us. Christians must understand that we have a habitation with God through the Spirit. We have failed to demonstrate this power.   We are charged to preach the glorious gospel of Christ throughout the world. This includes the Muslims; however there are some people who profess to be Muslims who are killing Christians. As a prophet of God in the name of Jesus, these people who are killing Christians are not Muslims – people who fear Allah. They are people who do not understand the Holy Qur’an and have perverted the doctrine.   At John 16:2, Jesus says, “They shall put you out of the synagogues, yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” This is a reality today.

President Obama and all of the candidates who are seeking the Office of the President of the United States fail to understand the way of the Lord. There are some candidates for the Office of the President and other leaders who believe our military might is the answer to defeating ISIS. ISIS is an ideology – it is spirit; how can you defeat spirit with military might? Who is going to teach them this fact and the way of the Lord? For there is no prophet accepted in his own country. Moreover, the people who profess to be called by the name of the Lord will not humble themselves, and pray, and seek the face of the Lord, and turn from their wicked ways. Surely, this is a very complex problem, however when you understand and follow the way of the Lord in the name of Jesus it becomes simple.  

Only the mercy of God can get the United States of America out of this box. God has given us solutions. We must do more than recite 2 Chronicles 7:14; we must effect it. The Christian community has work to do. However, there is a spirit of deep sleep that has been poured out and many are still asleep. The Church has a responsibility to take the glorious gospel of Christ to all nations to include the Muslims and the Jews. On the other hand, first we must address the divide within the Church.

I am a Christian, I have read and studied the Qur’an and I understand the mission that God gave to Prophet Mohammed; when Prophet Mohammed was on the scene; at that time many Saints of God were in the hands of the beast. Moreover, the Christians and the Jews were at odds with one another. One of the tasks given to Prophet Mohammed was to protect the Gospel of Christ. After carefully studying the Qur’an, the bottom-line message of the Qur’an is: If Muslims truly feared Allah, they would follow the Gospel of Christ. Listen carefully; Surah 5:15 says, “O people of the Book! There hath come to you Our Messenger, revealing to you much that ye use to hide in the Book, And passing over much (that in now unnecessary.) there hath come to you from Allah a (new) light and a perspicuous Book – (16) Wherewith Allah guideth all who seek His good pleasure to ways of peace and safety, and leadeth them out of darkness, by His will, unto the light – guideth them to a Path that is Straight.  

At Surah 5:46, Prophet Mohammed writes: “And in their footsteps we sent Jesus the son of Mary confirming the Law that come Before him. We sent the Gospel: therein was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Law that had come before him a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah.”

There are solutions – when innocent people are killed, the military has a role to play. However, to defeat ISIS and other militant groups, we must realize that this is also a spiritual battle. The members of ISIS are not true Muslims because they do not fear Allah and they do not follow the teaching of Prophet Mohammed. There are some things that they proclaim that are true and people in search for truth may find this group attractive. For example at Surah 6:159, Prophet Mohammed writes: “As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: their affair is with God: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did.”   Surely this is still a problem with Christians today. But, today Muslims are seeing this happening to their religion – Muslims in Germany are called – Germany Muslims, if you live in England you may be called England Muslims. Some understand the truth that if you are a Muslim you are a Muslim. What happens when the Muslims in England, France, or Germany believe that they are being treated less than first class citizens? Surely, this may give a reason to adhere to the call of ISIS.

Of course there is another problem – The Muslims who follow the teaching of Prophet Mohammed do not understand that if they fear Allah they would follow Gospel of Christ. Here are some of the admonishments that Prophet Mohammed shared. It is imperative the true followers of the Qu’ran , and Christians understand and adhere to these admonishments that God sent us through Prophet Mohammed.

Now listen! Before you read these admonishments that were written by Prophet Mohammed, first I pray that you be at peace in the name of Jesus, because some of you who are reading this text are offended at the thought of being admonished by Prophet Mohammed. Listen carefully, these admonishments are not from Prophet Mohammed, they are from God. At the time of Prophet Mohammed, these Saints of God were in the hands of the Beast and were using false doctrine. Now read!

Surah 2:113 it reads, “The Jews says: “The Christians have naught (to stand) upon”; and the Christians say: “The Jews have naught (To stand) upon.” Yet they (Profess to) study the (same) Book. Like unto their word is what those say you know not: but Allah (God) will judge between them in their quarrel on the day of Judgment.”

Surah 2:135 says, “They say: “Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (To salvation),” Say thou: “Nay! (I would rather) the Religion of Abraham, The True, and be joined not gods with Allah.” (136) Say ye: We believe in Allah, and the revelations given to us, and to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: and we bow to Allah (in Islam). (137) So if they believe as ye believe, they are indeed on the right path, but if they turn back, it is they who are in schism; but Allah will suffice thee as against them and He is the All-Hearing and the All-knowing.”

If you are a Christian, up to now many of you have never read this teaching of Prophet Mohammed and many of you still do not know when the Saints of God in the name of Jesus were in the hands of the beast. Moreover, the true Muslims do not realize that at the time of Prophet Mohammed many of the Saints of God were in the hands of the beast; consequently some of the teachings of the Christians were in error and Prophet Mohammed recognized the false teaching. For example some were teaching that Mary was the mother of God – Surely this is false teaching. The phrase “mother of God” originated with and continues to be used in the Roman Catholic Church.   Records show at the Council of Ephesus in AD 431 the use of the Greek term Theotókos, or “God-bearer,” in reference to Mary. The Council of Ephesus officially proclaimed Mary as the “mother of God.”   This false teaching is later included in the Catholic catechism.  Surely Mary was the mother of Jesus’ fleshly body; however Jesus had a spiritual body. In John chapter 6, Jesus told his disciples that they had to eat his flesh and drink his blood. John 6:62-66 clearly explains that the Mary was not the mother of God. Jesus said, “What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? It is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speakunto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” I have a very special teaching to share – watch this video and you will learn that the Word of God is the Seven Spirits of God.

Nevertheless, since Prophet Mohammed there was a reformation of the Church – the true Saints of God are no longer in the hands of the beast and some now follow the glorious Gospel of Christ. However, there are some who profess to be Christians who still hold onto the false teachings; consequently, there are still battles within the Christian community. Moreover, Christianity is still divided into sects. According to some sources there are more than 41,000 Christian denominations world-wide. There are far too many winds of doctrine; For God wants us to be one. In addition to taking the glorious Gospel to the Muslims, according to scriptures the Jews will suck the breasts of the Gentiles. Surely, this is a spiritual battle.

Therefore, Christians have a major role to play – the government cannot do it. However, it is imperative that we understand Truth and demonstrate the power of the Living God and give God the glory in the name of Jesus. Christians have been given the same glory that Jesus had when he walked this earth so that the Jews, the Muslims and the world will see that we have an habitation with God in the Spirit. Listen carefully; if you have the love for truth - God will direct your path.

Let us look again at the message that God gave me to share with President Bush in 2001.

“Recall your planes, ships, and My people. Remove all unjust sanctions against countries around the world. Rewrite your trade agreements to ensure that they are fair to the workers. End your eagerness to shed innocent blood. Seek out the bad fruit that have now ripened. Apply just laws to all suspects that are still alive, that were involved in the planning and operation of the terrorism attack on America. Do not prosecute the innocent. Bad fruits that have not ripened, treat them with care, love, and understanding, because you helped create them. Change your hearts and take on a new resolve to end oppression and perverseness. Thus, you will end the terrorism in America if you turn to Me. My Righteousness is forever. …”

God has given me some powerful works to help us address these crises that confronts the world today.  However, it will take the people who truly love God to work together and share their gifts in love to effect God’s will. One of the books is titled: “Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S. Every Christian Leader and the leaders in the House and the Senate of the United States needs a copy of this work to discover the way of the Lord in the name of Jesus and discover how to address these crises. Our military might is not the answer; surely there are times when our military must play a role to contain certain activities of ISIS and other militant groups. But, to truly defeat ISIS it takes adhering to the counsel of God in the name of Jesus and allowing God to order our steps. (Click hyperlink to order book.)

The other book is titled: “Edifying the Body of Christ: Unbinding the Strong Man.” This work is designed to empower Christians so we can work together more effectively, coming together in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. In order to take the Gospel of Christ to the Jews and Muslims, we must address some traditions, doctrines, and practices that many Christians are holding onto that are designed to bind the Holy Spirit and to create the divide within the Church. Prophet Mohammed points out some of the false teaching that keep Muslims from becoming part of the Church. Some people think that God does not have prophets today. However, I know this is an error because I am one of God’s prophets. (Click on the title of the book to order it.)

Christians, Jews, and Muslims do they worship the same GOD? The answer is yes. The Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the same GOD? However there are problems with doctrines and a failure to understand the current covenant that God made with His people. Satan has been quite effective in effecting his plan to flatter, confuse, and destroy God’s people. Moreover, may have been deceived and most Christian, Jews, and Muslims fail to understand the mystery of God’s will to include the full stature of Jesus Christ. At Mark 7:7:6-13, Jesus explains how you can worship God in vain by teaching for doctrine the commandments of men.

One of the problems is that in Christianity there are errors in some of the churches’ doctrine that have created more than 41,000 denominations. Daniel chapter seven and Revelation chapter thirteen explains how the beast would prevail against the saints of God. This has already occurred. The saints of God were in the hands of the beast for an ancient of days, a time and times and a dividing of time, 42 months – which equal to 1260 years. According to Ezekiel 4:6 one day equal one year. According to scriptures, Satan was able to corrupt the covenant with flatteries; many saints are still cleaving the flatteries today. Consequently, some of the affects today still impact the Church. The Nicene Creed, the statement of faith, that clearly defined the Doctrine of the Trinity is not supported by scriptures, however it is the result of flatteries that Daniel prophesized about in Daniel 11:32.

Surely, the Jews did not accept the teaching of the Holy Trinity: “God the Father,” “God the Son,” and “God the Holy Spirit” because they knew that there is only one God. Most importantly, God did not accept this. Some people think that God does not have prophets today. However, I know this is in error because I am one of God’s prophets. But, in early 600 A.D., the Prophet Mohammed accepted his call from God – it is recorded that the first message he preached was: “There is but one God and He will judge all men.” The Prophet Mohammed wrote the Holy Qur’an. At Surah 4:171 of the Qu’ran, God commanded the Prophet Mohammed to warn Christians about the doctrine of the Trinity. Here is a quote “O people of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: nor say of God aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was a Messenger of God, and His Word, Which he bestowed on Mary, and a Spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in God and His Messengers. Say not “Trinity”? Desist.” God has given me the same message about the Trinity – this doctrine is in error. Please note – God revealed to the Prophet Mohammed that Jesus was the “Word of God.”

Although, the full revelation may not have been revealed to the Prophet Mohammed the significance of the saying, Jesus was the “Word of God” it is important to know that he recorded this revelation. Some say that the Prophet Mohammed was a false prophet; I caution you – do not call any prophet a false prophet until you hear what he/she has to say or read the revelations that they say God has given him/her. I have read the Qu’ran; I realize that I would have never known what he had written if I did not read it. Moreover, since Christians are called to take the glorious gospel to all nations, it is important to understand the glorious and what those nations believe.

The Prophet Mohammed’s assignment was to honor the gospel of Christ and to protect. Surah 5:46 says, “And in the their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him: We sent him the Gospel; therein was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Law that had come before him: a guidance and an admonition to those who fail to judge by the (the light of) What God hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel.” (48) To them We sent the scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety; so judge between them by what God hath revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging from the Truth that hath come to thee. To each among you have we prescribe a Law and an Open Way. If God had so willed, He would have made you a single People, but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you; so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to God, It is He that will show you the truth of the matters in which ye dispute. Listen carefully surely this is God speaking to His people. An “Open Way:” this is a door, Jesus Christ is this Door.

In early 600 A. D. the Prophet Mohammed accepted his call from God – it is recorded that the first message he preached was, “There is but one God and He will judge all men.” When I first accepted my calling in the ministry of the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the title of my very first sermon was “A Check Up For the Body of Christ.” Only God could have given me this message as my first sermon. Now I realize that it was more than a sermon – for this is the very work that has put at my hands. The check-up is being conducted today.

After studying the Qu’ran, I discovered that one of Prophet Mohammed’s assignments was to honor the gospel of Christ and to protect it. Surely many Christians do not realize this truth; moreover most Christians do not realize that at the time of Prophet Mohammed, many of the Saints of God were in the hands of the beast. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we have work to do.  We must do our part to defeat ISIS by sharing truth in love – we must allow God in the name of Jesus to use our bodies as the power of the living God within us does the work. We must really seek the face of God and elect leaders who truly fear God in the name of JESUS. We must feed both the Muslims and the Jews the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ as we take the true Gospel of Christ throughout the world. We must work together to that end. For it is written that the Bride made herself ready.

Surely God so loved the world, His love includes people throughout the world, people in every nation. God said, “Thou shall not kill.” God has richly blessed mankind; we are made in His image and for His pleasure. I pray in the name of Jesus that you will adhere to this counsel and pass it on. Click on the links and view the videos. Visit the website at www.revelationuptotheminute.org and read the articles and gain even more insight of revelation knowledge. Order your personal copy of the books to become even more empowered as we work together to end terrorism, heal the land, and make the Bride of Christ ready.

I pray in the name of Jesus that you will adhere to this counsel from the Lord in the name of Jesus.

Elmore Richmond Jr.




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