Letter to President Bush October 26, 2001

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October 26, 2001

President George W. Bush

The White House

Washington, D. C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

I am a Prophet of God.  I wrote you twenty days ago as God directed me.  However, you have failed to adhere to the word of God.  God has commanded me to write you again.   Mr. President, you continue to add sin onto sin.  God knows every one of them.  Even the ones that you classify as Top Secret, and God has revealed some of those secrets to me.  Mr. President, if you do not change this destructive path, terror will continue to visit America.  Moreover, America will experience a plague of national disasters at a level that this nation has not experienced in its short 200 year history.  Many lives will be lost and fear will continue within the borders of the United States.  However, if you should hearken to the word of God, terror will not come near this nation, and America’s peace will be as a river, and nation’s righteousness will be as the waves of the sea.

Mr.  President, I am praying that you do not take this communication lightly.  I have enclosed a copy of the letter that I sent you on October 6, 2000.  I pray that this communication will reach your hands.  May God have mercy on the individual that will thwart this communication.

 Praying for America’s Leaders that they turn to God.

Sincerely yours,

Elmore Richmond Jr.

A Prophet of God  in the name of Jesus Christ


Letter Dated October 6, 2001


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