Letter to Attorney General Session, July 1, 2017

Letter to Attorney General Session, July 1, 2017

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The Church Readiness Ministries

Elmore Richmond Jr.

Post Office Box 2935

Jackson, Tennessee 38302


July 1, 2017

Attorney General Jeff Sessions

U. S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001

Dear Attorney General Sessions:

Please find attached a copy of two letters that I wrote to President Trump.  Therein you will find the state of the United States Justice System.  The system is broken and it will take an equality review of the overall system to discover the real failures and successes.  As you are aware the scope of the Department of Justice is very vast; consequently the notion that it is broken will be strongly rejected at certain quarters.  Nevertheless, the assessment is true and it has been viewed from the power of our almighty God.  The integrity of the Justice System is dependent on just laws, fair application of those just laws, and the fair enforcement thereof, and a just Judge or jury as applicable. 

Attorney General Sessions, the problem of discrimination in America today is real and its affects continue to impact the social fabric of the nation in the lives of many in all aspects of their lives.  Moreover, there are far too many leaders who do not fully understand nor appreciate the problems of discrimination and its impacts.  Moreover, there are some even in the Department of Justice that are not committed to ending the destructive cycle of discrimination.  I am a Prophet of God in the name of Jesus – God has showed me these things. 

Allow me to turn your attention to the Stature of Law Enforcement Misconduct.  If you would review the Department of Justice’s overall activities in this area over the past eight years you could conclude that this is not a serious problem in the areas of Law Enforcement Misconduct: (1) Physical Assaults (2) Deliberate Indifference to Serious Medical Condition of Substantial Risk to Harm (3) Failure to Intervene.  However, it is clear that the Department of Justice actions in this area is not a reflection of what the public experiences in America on a daily basis.  It was noted that on May 2, 2017, that the Department of Justice made a Press Release regarding Michael Slager pleading guilty while acting as an NCPD Officer. He willfully used deadly force on Walter Scott even though it was objectively unreasonable under the circumstances.  Below is your quote in the Press Release.

“The Department of Justice will hold accountable any law enforcement officer who violates the civil rights of our citizens by using excessive force,” said Attorney General Sessions.  “Such failures of duty not only harm the individual victims of these crimes; they harm our country, by eroding trust in law enforcement and undermining the good work of the vast majority of honorable and honest police officers.  As our Department works to support the courageous and professional law enforcement personnel who risk their lives every day to protect us, we will also ensure that police officers who abuse their sacred trust are made to answer for their misconduct.” 

Attorney General Sessions, these comments were needed and well said.  However, the question is the team committed to this resolve?   Here is an indicator on the lack of commitment.  The Justice Department has a Facebook Page.  Attorney General Sessions there is no mention of this accomplishment on the Facebook Page.  One may say this was just an oversight.  However, this was not an oversight; this is a reflection of the lack of concern for ensuring this injustice comes to an end.  If you investigate closely you will find complaints have been filed with the Department of Justice regarding Police Misconduct and other forms of discrimination that have not received any priority.  Moreover, in some of these cases there is not any resolve to investigate them. 

President Trump has set the tone in this area regarding the Police!  On June 8, 2017, I wrote President Trump and explained my concerns.  Here a quote from that communication.  

“President Trump, on February 9, 2017, you signed an Executive Order preventing violence against Federal, State, Tribal, and local law enforcement officers.  Surely, it is imperative that we work to ensure that the police are protected as they serve the People of the United States of America.  Nevertheless, the current reality is that the People need protection from the corrupt system that allows the police to routinely kill citizens throughout the nation without any accountability.  Moreover, police abuse is now commonplace throughout the nation.  Mr. President, I believe that you are a man who truly wants to make America great again; however it is apparent that you do not realize that you do not understand the current state of Police and Community Relations and the corruption that allows the police to abuse or kill Americans throughout the nation without holding the police accountable.”

Attorney General Sessions, in the attached letter date July 1, 2017, I shared with President Trump concerns about the approach in addressing the violence and killing in Chicago.   Here is a quote from that communication.

“The resolve that you have expressed regarding the unacceptable rate of violence and killing in Chicago and the actions being taken by the Attorney General is commendable.  However, this only addresses one aspect of the problem.  These young people need more jobs and opportunities.

Allow me to explain.  Among 20- to 24-year-olds, the Chicago area's employment rate is 47 percent for blacks, the lowest among the big cities, and 73 percent for whites, which is among the highest. Only Philadelphia comes close to that gap, with a 48 percent employment rate for blacks and 66 percent for whites.  May 25, 2016 Chicago's racial employment gaps among worst in nation.  President Trump according to a dated study of Professor Harvey Brenner of John Hopkins University: A 1% increase in unemployment causes a 5.7% increase in homicides, a 4.1% increase in suicides, a 4.0% increase in prison admissions, and a 3.5% increase in mental hospital admissions!  Mr. President to address the real problems in Chicago the Social Justice must also be addressed.  Therefore, there must be immediate initiatives involved the Department of Justice, Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the City of Chicago to address these social ills and provide real opportunities.”

Attorney General Sessions, I have also enclosed a Copy of a DVD on the Resolution to End Police Abuse And Corruption.  In the enclosed letter to President Trump, I explain the nature of the video and why it is imperative that we address this deadly crisis from a different vantage point. 

Attorney General Sessions, the Department of Justice needs recommitment to ensuring justice for all of the People in the United States.  This will be a great challenge for you and the President.  You are in our continued prayers.

Sincerely yours,


Elmore Richmond Jr., SMSgt (USAF Retired)

(Worked Social Actions Program in the Air Force For Sixteen Years)

Prophet of God in the Name of Jesus


Three Enclosures

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