Satan Attempts to Influence the Supreme Court - Call To Action

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Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr.

Attorney Roberta A. Kaplan was prepared and presented her case as an outstanding lawyer.  However, if you listen very carefully you will see a replay of the scene in the garden whereby Satan had deceived Eve; then Eve was able to convince Adam that the forbidden fruit was good to eat and God was wrong; in other words,  God did not know what He was talking about.  Surely this is what happened in the Supreme Court Room when Attorney Kaplan made the following comments to explain the alleged sea change:  “To flip the language of the House Report, Mr. Chief Justice, I think it come from a moral understanding today that gay people are no different, and that gay married couples’ relationships are not significantly different from the relationships of straight married people.”

Attorney Roberta A. Kaplan was prepared and presented her case as an outstanding lawyer.  However, if you listen very carefully you will see a replay of the scene in the garden whereby Satan had deceived Eve; then Eve was able to convince Adam that the forbidden fruit was good to eat and God was wrong; in other words,  God did not know what He was talking about.  Surely this is what happened in the Supreme Court Room when Attorney Kaplan made the following comments to explain the alleged sea change:  “To flip the language of the House Report, Mr. Chief Justice, I think it come from a moral understanding today that gay people are no different, and that gay married couples’ relationships are not significantly different from the relationships of straight married people.”

In effect, when Attorney Kaplan made this comment she was saying that God was morally wrong when He the Creator said that homosexuality was an abomination.  God was wrong when He gave homosexuals up to uncleanness.  God was wrong when He gave homosexuals up to vile affections to dishonor their bodies between themselves.  The Creator was wrong when He said that homosexual behavior was un-natural or against nature.  Attorney Kaplan proclaims this moral sea change is a societal understanding.  Here is how the scene played out in the Supreme Court.   

Chief Justice Roberts:  I suppose the sea change has a lot to do with the political force and effectiveness of people representing, supporting your side of the case?

 Ms. Kaplan:  I disagree with that, Mr. Chief Justice, I think the sea change has to do, just as discussed was Bowers and Lawrence, was an understanding that there is no difference – there was fundamental difference that could justify this kind of categorical discrimination between gay couples and straight couple.

Chief Justice Roberts: You don’t doubt that the lobby supporting the enactment of same sex-marriage laws in differed States is politically powerful, do you?

Ms, Kaplan: With respect to that category, that categorization of the term for purposes of heightened scrutiny, I would, Your Honor.  I don’t  --

Chief Justice Roberts: Really?

Ms Kaplan: Yes.

 Chief Justice Roberts:  As far as I can tell, political figures are falling over themselves to endorse your side of the case.

Ms. Kaplan: The fact of the matters is, Mr. Chief Justice, is that no other group in recent history has been subjected to popular referenda to take away rights that have already been given or exclude those rights, the way gay people have.  And only two of those referenda have ever lost.  One was in Arizona; it then passed a couple years later.  One was in Minnesota where they already have a statute on the books that prohibits marriages between gay people.

So I don’t think - - and until 1990 gay people were not allowed to enter this country.  So I don’t think that the political power of gay people today could possibly be seen within that framework, and certainly is analogous - - I think gay people are far weaker than the women were at the time of Frontiero.

 Chief Justice Roberts:  Well, but you just referred to a sea change in people’s understanding and values from 1996, when DOMA was enacted, and I’m just trying to see where that comes from, if not from the political effectiveness of - - of groups on your side of the case.

Ms. Kaplan:  To flip the language of the House Report, Mr. Chief Justice, I think it come from a moral understanding today that gay people are no different, and that gay married couples’ relationships are not significantly different from the relationships of straight married people.   I don’t think - -

Chief Justice Roberts:  I understand that.   I am just trying to see  - - where that moral understanding came from, if not the political effectiveness of a particular group.

Ms. Kaplan: I  - - I think it came - - is, again is very similar to the, what you saw between Bowers and Lawrence.  I think it came to a societal understanding.

However, Satan’s involvement did not begin in the Supreme Court Room and Attorney Kaplan is not the only one whom Satan has effectively reached.  Satan has reached many politicians, some civil rights leaders, some Christian leaders, the news media, and American citizens, across the nation.  His influence is alive today.  Nevertheless, God will not be mocked.  God has some Justices who fear Him.  Moreover, although it was not presented at the Supreme Court’s Oral presentations, God had people who fear Him prepare briefs and letters and they submitted them to the Supreme Court.  In those communications, the Supreme Court has been informed of the following:

            (1)  According to the Declaration of Independence the Founding Fathers realized that it was the Creator that created all men equal and endowed them with certain unalienable rights.

            (2)  The Institution of Marriage is the Creator’s Institution and it was established by the Creator as a Holy and Honorable Institution between a man and a woman.

            (3)  The United States Government and any sub-division thereof do not have the authority to redefine or change the Creator’s Institution of Marriage

            (4)  The States are given power to regulate marriage between a man and a woman; however they have no standing to redefine marriage.   

            (5)  DOMA and California’s Proposition 8 confirm the Creator’s Institution of Marriage  - these laws are sound 

            (6)  Homosexuals do not qualify for the Creator’s Institution of Marriage

            (7)  These briefs and communications expose junk science and question the foundation of sexual orientation to become homosexuals

            (8)  The Creator does not force men to honor Him; He has given homosexuals over to a reprobate mind, to do those things that are not convenient and to receive the recompense of their error.  Therefore they do not qualify for His Institution of Marriage.  Surely, the federal government or state government can establish laws to resolve the issues regarding the rights of individuals to receive property, hospital visitations, and insurance benefits, i.e. without undermining the integrity of God’s Institution of Marriage.

        The Church Readiness Ministries did not submit a brief to the Supreme Court; however, we sent a letter to each Justice.  Letter to Chief Justice Roberts   Click here and view a powerful video by Evangelist Nadine Richmond Video Defending the God’s Institution of Marriage: Where is the Church.   The Church must shine the Light with the Word of God.  Satan has been very effective and now many are blind.  The State of Hawaii, New York, and other States did not have the right to make laws to redefine marriage.  However, the only authority that these States have is to regulate marriage between a man and a woman.  However, Satan had affected President Obama in his quest to be reelected to the point that he decided not to enforce the Law of the Land.  President Obama is also a lawyer; therefore he should have known that Hawaii did not have standing to redefine marriage. 

       In 1996, 84 Senators signed DOMA.  Chief Justice Roberts wanted to know if 84 Senators based their vote on their moral disapproval of gay people.   Surely, some of these Senators feared God and realized that marriage had already been defined.  Now however, it is not politically correct because of Satan’s effectiveness to influence the process.  Praise God, Chief Justice Roberts is a very wise man.  In the Citizen Link Report: Best Arguments for Marriage, Bruce Hausknecht shares some of the highlights of Chief Justice Roberts’ and Justice Kennedy’s comments.  Citizen Link Report

       The bottom line – Satan has been so effective some States have passed laws to redefine marriage without authority.  Thousands have entered into these illegal relationships.  The Democratic Platform is now blind.  The movement has affected some Republicans because holding onto the truth threatens their political careers. The Civil Rights leaders are blind. Moreover, many of the Church leaders are fast asleep.

       Nevertheless, God has his people working to shine Light into this state of darkness.    There were some powerful briefs presented to the Supreme Court.   The Moral Law Foundation is just one example.      The Supreme Court will consider all of Califoria's Proposition 8 Briefs before they reach their decisions. 

       However, today it is important the People who truly love God work to ensure that there is a public discourse to ensure the protection of God’s Institution of Marriage.  Dr. Ben Carson made some comments regarding homosexual activities and immediately he was punished in the public discourse.  Click here for video regarding Dr. Carson Comments 

       This is a call for people who love God to speak truth in love.  We must support organizations that are on the front line.  Moreover, it is imperative for every pastor to empower the people of God with Truth as it is recorded in the Word of God.  We must work together to break Satan’s stronghold on the media to ensure this discourse goes forth.  We must pray for this nation – we must endure until the Light shines as the firmament.

       Some of the other Organizations that are on the frontline are listed below:

Coalition of African American Pastors

Family Research Council

Focus on the Family

The National Organization For Marriage


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