Secretary of Defense General Mattis and President Trump Warned How God Controls the Storms

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Secretary of Defense General Mattis and President Trump Warned How God Controls the Storms

On July 1, 2017, I wrote him at the direction of God and explained to him the spiritual battle and how God controls the storms as a man would by hand.  Below is a quote from the letter.

“Mr. Secretary, it appears that President Trump has delegated power to you with very little oversight.  On the surface this sound great, however without understanding the spiritual battle that the nation is in you are bound to make some very serious mistakes from the very onset of your appointment.   Do you know that God loves people throughout the world?  Do you know that God makes peace and the same God creates evil?  Do you know that God creates evil as a reward for the ones who do wickedness?   Do you know that God has established standards for Babylon and any nation that conducts its affairs as a Babylon?   Do you know that God controls destructive storms as a man would do by hands?  Do you know why God cast Israel and Judah out of his sight?  Do you know the consequences of trusting in our military might? Trusting in Oppression and Perverseness?   Do you fear God based on the precepts of God?  Secretary Mattis, here is the nation’s chief problem: the leadership has clearly demonstrated that they do not fear God based on the precepts of God.  Here is an opportunity to get this right, however it is imperative that you take time out now and learn the Way of the Lord in the name of Jesus and learn from the failures of other leaders since 9/11.”

On February 4, 2017, I warned President Trump – Click here and read the letter.

On May 31, 2011, I warned President Obama – Click here and read the letter.

On December 2, 2002, I warned President George W. Bush – Click here and read the letter.

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