God Provided Counsel to Make America Great Again in 1990

God Provided Counsel to Make America Great Again in 1990

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God Reveals How to make America Great Again in 1990


On September 10, 2001, God revealed to me the destruction of the World Trade Center and the United States of America preparing for war.   However, this was not the first time that God had revealed His secrets to me regarding war.  In 1990, before the war of words between George H. Bush and Saddam Hussein, God showed me the people in Iraq suffering.

It was as if there were a 35mm slide projection in my head.  I kept seeing images after images of people suffering.  I woke up saying, “What do you want me to do Lord?  I will feed the poor.   I will do whatsoever you want me to do.”  In August of 1990, President George H. W. Bush and Saddam Hussein commenced the war of words.  I wrote President George H. W. Bush and offered him some suggestions on how to avoid a war.  At that time I did not know that I was being led by God.  I did not know that I had a calling on my life to do anything like that.  However, I knew that I could help resolve the crisis that was at hand because of my problem-solving abilities.

I felt driven to study the crisis closely.  In December 1990, I prepared a booklet entitled: “Mid East Crisis: How to Derail The Train, That’s on a Fast Track to War?”  I believed that I was commissioned by God to get this message out to every member in the House and the Senate.  Besides the booklet, I also prepared a tape.  I reproduced enough booklets to send to every member in Congress.  However, in January 1991, I was sidetracked after attending a peace rally at Cal Tech in Pasadena, California.  I spoke at the rally and gave out many copies of the booklets.  Then I decided not to send them out.  This was a very serious mistake.  Consequently, I suffered throughout the war.  I was glued to the television.  I would not find God anywhere.  It appeared that I was all alone.  My family was there with me but I could not feel the presence of God.  This was a terrible experience for me and I do not ever wish to experience it again. 

God is great!  Several days ago I read a transcript of the audio tape and I was amazed.  The message that God gave me in 1990 is powerful and it is designed to provide counsel for today to include what it takes to make America great again.  I have not altered the audio in any way – to make a video I overlaid it with pictures and postures to allow revelations and prophecies to unfold before your eyes.  This video is a must see for President Trump and the leaders of America who want to make America great again; it also shares lessons learned to help Christians take a fresh look at their calling



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