Revelation of Explosion at a Mill in 2013

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Letter to President Obama – April 5, 2013

“On April 4, 2013, in a dream, God revealed to me an accident that had happened at some type of factory or mill here in the United States. I was driving a car with my wife and we needed to get to an over-pass. However, to get to the overpass we had to exit off the main roadway and take some side streets. As we traveled, we noticed some individuals outside of this complex – they were venting the building with some type of machinery to draw air from the building. As we were passing by we overheard some of the conversation; they appeared to be discussing an incident that had just happened at the facility. We heard one of the men say words to the effect “What were you trying to do?” Next a man approached our vehicle and said something to the effect: “it depends on what happens now – when the explosion occurs it will either make local news or world news. It will happen in about fifty minutes.”  Next, as my wife and I were leaving the scene we went upon the overpass and look down at the facility. We noticed what appeared to be large tall tanks on the complex. Next, I awoke from the dream. It was as if I was actually there. God has allowed me to look into the future. Surely, this will happen within the next thirty days.”

Prophecy Fulfilled

The Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion Wasn’t an Accident

“Why isn't the American public calling for the arrest, conviction, and imprisonment of Adair, the owner of the West Fertilizer Company in West, Texas, where an explosion on April 17 killed 14 people, left 200 others with injuries (including burns, lacerations, and broken bones), flattened houses and a 50-unit apartment building, destroyed a nursing home, damaged a local school, and left a crater 93 feet by 10 feet?”


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