Letter to Mr. Jack Lew, June 20, 2012

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 Elmore Richmond Jr.

 P. O. Box 2935

 Jackson, Tennessee 38302-2935



 June 20, 2012

 Mr. Jack Lew

 Chief of Staff

 The White House

 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

 Washington, DC 20500

 Dear Mr. Lew:

                    Please find attached a letter written for President Barack Obama. People have been calling out across the nation for America to Repent.  Surely, God is the only one that can heal America.  We are asking the President to declare the Month of August 2012 as a National Month of Repentance for the people who love God in the United States of America.  We have shared copies of this request with approximately 200 Christian organizations throughout the United States.  We look forward to the President joining us by signing a Proclamation.

 Please note on July 1, 2012 there is Call2Fall Movement for Christians across America to fall on their knees and faces before the Lord in repentance prayers, as of June 19, 2012 over 1,291,000 pastors and Christian leaders have joined this movement.   We are lifting the President up daily in our prayers.  Please advise as soon as possible.  We look forward to sharing our resolve with the medial during the week of July 4, 2012.

  Sincerely yours,

  Elmore Richmond Jr.

 Project Coordinator

 August 2012 – Month of Repentance for the United States of America

  Two Enclosures:

 (1)   Letter to President Obama, dated June 20, 2012

 (2)   Brochure – A National Movement ELUL: August 2012 A Call For A Month of Repentance For the United States of America




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