The Revelation of Zechariah 5:6-11 - Two Women with Wings of a Stork

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The Revelation of Zechariah 5:6-11 – Two Women with Wings of a Stork


By: Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr.


This is a very powerful revelation.  God showed Prophet Zechariah the United States of America and The United Kingdom establishing a Democracy in Iraq.  Listen carefully, God called it wickedness.  Surely, God revealed to me that the war with Iraq was without provocation.  I first conveyed this to President Bush in 2002 and I also wrote President George W. Bush in other in 2003.  However, God also show this to invasion to Prophet Zechariah.  I shared this revelation with President Obama in April 2011.

There is no prophecy of the scripture of any private interpretation.  God says that He reveals His secrets to His prophets.  In this article the Holy Spirit will show you the revelation regarding what is going on in the Middle East today.  However, to receive these revelations you must have love for Truth.  God revealed to me the destruction of the World Trade Center before it happened and my life has not been the same since that revelation.  I wrote President George W. Bush thirteen times and I wrote to other leaders to no avail

In addition to the revelations regarding the 9/11 attacks, God revealed to me (1) Our preparation for war without provocation (2) the destroying winds (3) the conflicts within the nation (4) the floods (5) problems on our military bases (6) plague of national disasters (7) the financial crisis that the nation is experiencing.  All of these revelations are recorded in the book, “Ending Terrorism in the United States: God Has Warned U. S.” that was published in 2007.

 Turning our attention back to the Middle East, I wrote President Obama and other leaders on April 7, 2011 and explained the background for the crisis in the Middle East.  I explained that God showed Prophet Zechariah the earth has been covered with a curse; (Zechariah 5:3) moreover at (Zechariah 5:6-11) God showed Zechariah the United States and the United Kingdom setting up a democracy in Iraq.   The United States and the United Kingdom are the two women with wings of a stork (Zechariah 5:9)    Zechariah says that the wind was in their wings and they lifted up an ephah that contained wickedness between the earth and heaven and took it to the land of Shinar.  The land of Shinar is ancient Babylon – today it is modern-day Iraq.  The Word of God says it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.  This was established as a resemblance of the two women; according to Zechariah, these resemblances (democracies) are throughout all the earth.  God showed Isaiah in chapter 19 that He had mingled a perverse spirit in Egypt.   Consequently, Egypt wants this thing called democracy, and they want it now. 

The Revelation of the Middle East Crisis - The Arab Spring

          This perverse spirit has spread throughout the region – thus all nations in the region want this form of government called democracy.  However, God sees it as wickedness according to Zechariah! Why?  Democracy has failed to keep capitalism in check; consequently as we are advocating democracies for the Middle East, democracies around the world are experiencing trouble, including rioting, protesting, demonstrations, and financial problems.  For the love of money is the root of all evil – listen carefully.  It is reported in 2007 in the United States one percent of the population has SIX TIMES more financial wealth than the bottom 80%.  Even the thought of this is wicked; the top one percent has 43% of the financial wealth while the bottom 80% shares 7%.   View this short video that shows the full impact of democracy's failure to keep capitalism in check.  Strong Delusions – Misinformed – No Increase in Taxes for the Rich???


This is our watch!  We must pray for the leaders of America.  This counsel of God must go forth.  In 2010, I went to Washington, DC and hand delivered about 70 copies of the book: Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S.  I know that some have received the revelation, however there is not prophet accepted in his own nation.  Nevertheless, they must be warned.  Every member in Congress needs a copy of the Book: Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U.S. This book is also available to purchase!

Let us continue to pray for the leadership of the land and the People of God in the name of JESUS.


Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr.

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