The New Birth: Going Onto Perfection

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What does it really mean to be “born again?” Do you or someone you know have questions concerning the “new birth?” Many people are confused by those terms and want to know what it actually means to be born again. In these pages, I answer those fundamental questions and many more. As you read, you will:

•Gain excitement as the Bible becomes alive to you
•Dig deeply into the word of God to find clear, concise, scripturally-based answers
•Learn how to better serve God in a more perfect way
•Discover how to mindfully “be in Christ” 
•Benefit from an intimate understanding of God’s love for you

While this book is a powerful tool for those who are well-versed in scripture, it is just as meaningful and helpful to those who are babes in their faith and relationships with Christ. It is my prayer that my research will help you fully grasp the plan of salvation as presented in the Bible.

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