Marcus Rogers Missing in Action after FBI came to his House Looking for Him - This is a Spiritual Warfare

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Marcus Rogers Missing in Action after FBI came to his House Looking for Him

This is a Spiritual Warfare

By: Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr., Executive Director, The Church Readiness Ministries

On April 12, 2021, Marcus Rogers posted a video titled:  “The FBI Came to My House Looking For Me Today.  There has not been another post by Marcus Rogers since that day.  Surely, this is a spiritual battle.  Listen very carefully Brothers and Sisters in Christ, our brother Marcus Rogers is in serious trouble; he has been silenced.  GOD revealed to Marcus how he would be bound. Marcus loves GOD in the name of JESUS and he has been on the front line in this Spiritual Warfare. Many of you know his works and how he tries to keep the Body of Christ informed as to what is going on.   We also know that Marcus shares daily; sometimes he shares two to three times a day. Today is April 21, 2021 and there has not been a post from him since April 12, 2021, the day he said that  FBI came to his house looking for him.

If you have been following the works of Marcus Rogers you know that on January 6, 2021, he was there in Washington, D.C. and he took videos of what was going on.  There is no doubt that he loves GOD in the name of JESUS and he has surrendered himself to GOD in the name of JESUS.  He is a faithful servant of GOD.  You also know that Marcus is a man of peace.  Marcus said that he cooperated with the agents that visited him and he gave them videos of his works because he had nothing to hide from them.  Click on the link and watch the video that Marcus posted regarding the visit by the FBI.  “The FBI Came to My House Looking For Me Today.”

We all know that the FBI is investigating people who took part in the protest in Washington on January 6, 2021.  In the eyes of the investigators surely Marcus would be considered one of their prime suspects.  Again, we know Marcus is a man of peace, a Servant of GOD in the name of JESUS.  However, the investigators would also discover the following post of Marcus.   On March 31, 2021, Marcus posted a video titled: “Joe Biden’s New Law America is No Longer A Christian Nation. That’s Been the Plan the Whole Time”  Click on the link and watch the video.

Surely, this post is viewed by President Biden’s Administration as a threat to President Biden’s agenda.  It is apparent what the government has done – they have concluded that they have to stop Marcus Rogers and silence him because he is a threat to the current government’s direction and his voice can influence thousands of people.  Just like the government stopped JESUS, Apostle Peter, Apostle Paul, and others.  Now our government of the United States of America has concluded that they must stop Marcus Rogers because he poses a threat to the current ungodly direction of the government.

This is a spiritual warfare.  I do not have to speculate about this matter!  GOD showed Marcus Rogers what would happen to him in a dream; although Marcus did not clearly understand everything that was going on or how it would happen.  However, he knew that it was spiritual warfare and he was being attacked.  In the dream, Marcus was bound, attacked, injured, and engaged in physical battles.  Senior officials become even more angry!  The attacks increased.  He was protected to some extent.  They were trying to prevent him from going on his mission.  In the dream Marcus saw prayer warriors praying for him.  It was revealed to him that some have been watching his activities on the internet and he was not alone.  He saw a man and two women that would assist him however they were not physically there with him.  He also knew that there was a Judas in the camp. 

I am a Prophet of GOD in the name of JESUS.  I declare in the name of JESUS that this is real – we are in the midst of this spiritual battle.  On April 8, 2021, Marcus posted a video titled: “Li Nas X Confronted Me in Dream Last Night. Intense Spiritual Warfare.”  Marcus knew that it was beyond Li Nas X, however he did not realize the full extent of the dream.  Watch the video by clicking on this link.    “Li Nas X Confronted Me in Dream Last Night. Intense Spiritual Warfare.”

GOD has been preparing me for this battle.  On Sunday April 18, 2021, at the direction of GOD in the name of JESUS, I prepared and delivered a message titled: “Understanding The Spiritual Warfare – Winning this Battle in the U. S.”  Watching this video will help us to gain our focus as we go forth. Click on this link to watch the video.

In addition to watching this video we need to take immediate action.  This post and these videos may be removed at any time by the government.  Therefore, our action must be done in a “FLASH!”  This means the communication needs your immediate attention.  We must remember that this is Spiritual Warfare.  This is not a game or an exercise.  This is real; what we do now will have a direct impact on the Body of Christ, especially here in the United States of America.  The current direction of the government is out of order; consequently if you have love for Truth, you are classified as an enemy of the State and the current government will take action to stop and silence you.

It is time now to organize and take action. 

We must establish Spiritual Warfare Command Posts.  In the military, the purpose of a command post is to:

  • Receive Information
  • Distribute Information
  • Analyze Information
  • Submit Recommendations to Commander (GOD is our Commander-In-Chief in the Spiritual War (Actions of Pray Warriors)
  • Integrate Resources
  • Synchronize Resources

The Church Readiness Ministries is establishing a command post.  This will require immediately linking to others who are serious about servicing GOD and freeing Marcus from the hands of Satan.  Some in the government do not realize that they are carrying out Satan’s agenda.  The truth must be told.  It is imperative that Christians wake up and understand what is going on today in the United States.

We look forward to communicating with you.  Our website is  You may email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Share this communication will as many people and organizations that you know.  The future of the United States of America is at hand.

Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr.,


Executive Director,

The Church Readiness Ministries

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