Repent 2019 - God Loves America, But America Must Change

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2019 – A Year of Repenting For Christians and For Healing of the United States

Phase Two:  Understanding the Way of the LORD

Video:  God Loves America, But America Must Change

GOD is good and GOD is faithful to every one of His promises.   President Trump has declared that he wants to make America Great Again.   For America to be made great again, Christians must seek the face of GOD in the name of JESUS and discover His ways.  Repent – Pray – Provide Counsel to the leadership of this nation.

In 2016, God revealed to me that the United States must change and there were some areas in the government that must be swept clean.  I shared this revelation with President Barack Obama on August 19, 2016.  Click here to read a copy of that communication.   

However, before you read that communication, I ask that you watch this video that was recorded in 2016.   By viewing this video you will have the opportunity to see the state of the nation and what God is asking us to do.  Click here and watch the video:  “God Loves America, But America Must Change.”

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